Table of Contents
Stage 1: The Beginning of the End
Stage 2: Nothing but Leaves and a Stem
Stage 3: This is More Than a Crush
Stage 4: After the Bloom
Stage 5: Meeting Mrs. Right and Mrs. Right-Now
Stage 6: The First Month: Establishing Territory
Stage 7: The Sixth Month: Do or Die
Stage 8: The Four Major Holidays
Stage 9: One Year and Counting: The Anniversary
Stage 10: Marriage and the Honeymoon
Don’t Push, I’m Going
When you finally decide to talk to her, don’t let anyone rush you. Find your own time frame and comfort zone, boys. I was at a band competition, several years ago, and making eye contact with a p.y.t. (pretty young thang). Someone kept pushing me to go talk to her, but I was being patient, waiting to make my move. He, that same person, yelled out to the girl in front of the whole crowd that I wanted to talk to her. I conveniently slid beneath the bleachers and slowly died. That was more embarrassing than being rejected. I probably would have been pretty mad about the situation if I hadn’t gotten her phone number anyway.
Exceptions to the Rule
As seen in the previous section, there are exceptions to many rules and rules to many exceptions. Nothing is ever one hundred percent guaranteed fool-proof because every female is different. It’s important to remember this over the course of the lessons. If you have a different way and it works for you, then stick with whatever you’re doing. Make sure it actually is working and she isn’t just protecting your male ego. The one thing that they all want is your attention in some form or fashion. For that, she accepts no exceptions.
The Top Ten
Okay, guys, time for a break. For those of you currently going through this stage, you need something to make you smile. To every other guy, just enjoy this.
My Top Ten Most Beautiful Women
Kristin Kreuk – I am no Superman, but she is my kryptonite.
9. Katy Perry – Have you seen her music videos!!!???
8. Lucy Liu – The Asian sensation, enough said.
7. Sofia Vergara – Good googly-moogly.
6. Stacy Ferguson (Fergie) – I don’t even eat Black-eyed Peas, but her lovely lady lumps could feed me for years.
5. Margot Robbie – How can any of us focus when she’s around?
4. Janet Jackson – I don’t care what anyone says, she was the Superbowl XXXVIII MVP
3. Halle Berry – I ain’t even got to defend this pick.
2. Jennifer Lopez – Why couldn’t I have grown up on her block?
1. Beyoncé Knowles – She’s booty-licious and all types of dreamgirlicious.
There are many others that could have made this list. In fact, why don’t you do your own just for fun. Alright guys, let’s get back to the lesson.